CCTV Dictionary
(ALC) Autmoatic Light Compensation -
The Cameras Built in ability to compensate for changes in scene lighting.
Aperture -
The opening in a lens that allows available light to enter the camera.
(AWB) Auto White Balance -
Circuitry in a color camera that allows It to yield perfect color pictures in different types of lighting.
(AGC) Automatic Gain Control -
Circuitry in a camera that allows it to improve performance in low light conditions.
(AI) Auto Iris Lens -
Type of lens where the aperture physically opens and closes to adjust the amount of light entering the camera, Not required on cameras with electronic shutter systems.
(BLC) Black Light Compensation -
Ability of a camera to balance the lighting in a scene with an extremely bright background such as sunlight.
Balun -
An Impedence matching device that allows you to send video signals over UTP more commonly understood as the ability to run analog camera signals over Cat5e or Ethernet Cable.
Short for British Naval Connection represent the standard video connector used in analog security camera systems
C/CS Mount Lenses -
Standard CCTV box camera mounting.
Device inside of a camera that ‘takes the picture and converts it to Electronic signals.
Coaxial Cable -
Normally RG-59 or RG-6 in CCTV systems this cable has a copper center conductor and copper shield
Day / Night Camera -
A Camera that displays color pictures in good lighting conditions, and automatically adjusts iris in low light conditions.
Depth of Field -
The portion of a video picture that is in focus.
(DVR) Digital Video Recorder -
A device that compresses and records video signals onto built in Hard Disk Drives see.
Field of View -
Area Covered by the camera not in center focus.
Focal Length -
The rated coverage of the lens in mm. Smaller numbers give a wider angle of coverage.
Ground Loop -
When the camera and monitor are powered from sources using different grounds with different ground potentials. If a path for current flow (other than the coax) exists, ground loops are possible. Solution: Install a ground loop corrector or power all camera from the same source as the monitor.
(HDD) Hard Disk Drive -
Memory unit that stores saved video recordings, sizes in Terabytes or Tb.
IP Address –
A String of numbers that identiffies a camera or DVR on a network, example
Iris -
Opens and closes to determine how much light to be let pass through the lens.
LCD Monitor -
Flat screen monitor used to view cameras in High Resolution.
Looping -
The ability to split your video signal into multiple outputs for multiple viewing locations.
Multiplexer -
Takes multiple cameras (Up to 16) and displays them on a single input or screen for viewing / recording.
Network Video Recorder, used to record and view IP and Mega pixel systems
Quad Splitter -
Combines 4 cameras onto one screen for viewing / recording.
Resolution -
Measure of a cameras ability to reproduce details, measured in pixels or tv lines.
Sequential Switcher -
Displays cameras, one at a time on a monitor and scans through the cameras at a customizable length of time per shot.
Telephoto -
When a lens can see a long distance with great detail.
Varifocal Lens -
A lens that can be set for various focal lengths to achieve optimal coverage.
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