M & J Video security and video surveillance experts are here to listen to your concerns, and customize a security system specifically tailored to your needs. Many families, business owners and individuals lack peace of mind – M & J Video is dedicated to serving our customers and helping thousands more families and business owners achieve that peace of mind. How do you achieve it? We provide you access to some of best equipment available and install an optimal solution for your video surveillance and security requirements that fits perfectly with your individual lifestyle and business environment. We have been installing Security Cameras and more in the Industry and City of Industry area for over 35 years!
Archives for : City of Industry
CCTV Security System Installers at M&J video are well trained and can handle installations for the warehouse and trucking industry in The City of Industry, Ontario, Upland. Chino, Pomona, and Corona. Freezers, pallets, and loading areas are places where cameras are essential. Pan/Tilt/ Zoom cameras that can cover large areas, and that can be controlled by a joystick hundreds of feet away or through the internet with a DSL connection are frequently used. 1 PTZ can do the job of several cameras. Infrared Bullet Cameras can be used to view parking ares in low light areas. A Digital Video Recorder to back up all images to a built in hard drive allows for live viewing and recorded playback of all cameras. Our installers wiil work with your IT person to view the cameras through your network.